Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Newberry Tournament Detail

If you plan to come out to watch Noah fence this weekend, here is what you need to know:

Admission is free!!!!
Sometimes they charge for parking for a football or baseball game.  If something like this is going on this weekend, just tell them you're there for fencing and they'll let you park for free.

Events run all day on both Saturday and Sunday, but Noah's events will take place at the following times:
3:00 Y12 Foil
4:00 Y10 Foil
1:00 Y10 epee
2:00 Y12 epee
These times are "close of registration" times. Fencing will start sometime after this. Sometimes it starts soon after, sometimes there is a wait for other events to finish. You just never know. Bring a book.  :)

Y10 = An event for fencers aged 10 and under.  So far, these Y10 events have only two people registered, so they won't last long.  They won't happen at all if the other guy doesn't show up.
Y12 = An event for fencers 12 and under.  Based on the number of registrations, these Y12 events will each last two hours or more, but Noah is sure to fence a good bit near the beginning. Once they reach the elimination rounds, you never know.
Foil: a weapon that requires a touch to be scored on a conductive vest.
Epee: touches (points) can be scored anywhere on the body with this weapon

Newberry Sports Complex
24880 N.W. 16th Avenue Newberry , FL 32669

If you are not familiar with the format of the sport, you may want to take a look at the rules page on this blog (see the link above). Feel free also to ask Noah (or his mom or dad) questions at the event.

We'd love to see you there.  In any case, check back here to find out the results!!!!