Sunday, April 1, 2012

Success in Newberry

Noah carried the day at the Newberry April Fool's Duel winning gold medals in Y10 epee and Y10 sabre.

But it wasn't easy.

The day began with epee...

Noah had a tough round of Pool bouts; he beat only one of the fencers he faced in this preliminary round of competition.  He happened to score enough touches in his bouts to receive a number two seed in the Direct Elimination round that followed, however.

With the help of one of his coaches, Noah was able to raise his level of play for the elimination round. He fought hard, came up on the short end in some of his encounters, but succeeded in winning all of his bouts to capture the Y10 Epee Gold Medal.

Later in the afternoon, Noah fenced a couple of very accomplished youngsters in the Y10 sabre competition. Boy, do those blades move fast!!  Sabre bouts don't last long.  The action is quick and touches are scored rapidly.  It was a fun combination of pool and DE bouts.  Noah came away with the Gold Medal in the end.

All in all, a great day of competition that pushed Noah to his limits.  Bravo to the other fencers and to the organizers of this great event.